Design Services
Our firm offers a broad range of architectural and engineering services that includes design, electrical, civil, structural, mechanical, plumbing, and interior design services.

Design-Build Services
We provide construction management services to design-build turnkey solutions that involves the planning of various government, commercial, and residential projects.

Management & IT
We have the right people, the right processes and technology to solve organizational challenges, which improves performance through value-added solutions.

Web & Instructor-Led Training
Using the ADDIE model, our consultants can deliver customized program evaluation, instructor, web-based, and blended learning solutions for your organization..
moreNew Drone Mapping Services
ARS has launched its drone mapping and inspection service. Our quadcopter systems are suitable for various private, industrial, and commercial applications. We can provide aerial image-thermography, inspections of sites using high resolution video and photo cameras, surveys, and 3D image mapping from point cloud. To get the details,
select the more link below.
We are professional, competitive and competent in our services
ARS is a systems integration firm that provides value-added professional services using the right staff and the right technology within budget using
a competitive method. Our dedication is far superior than our competitors and our staff is committed to providing customized and excellent services to our clients.
Latest News
6/10/19: ARS was awarded a 5-yr Small Construction contract from the D.C. Department of General Services to provide construction services for various District of Columbia owned properties.
4/8/19: ARS was awarded a 5-yr. Janitorial/Supplies contract from the D.C. Department of General Services to provide recycling and janitorial supplies to various District facilities.
2/8/19: ARS was awarded an annual. On-Call Emergency contract from the D.C. Department of General Services to provide plumbing repairs to various District facilities.